Tipo: MSc dissertation
Fecha de publicación: 18/09/2019

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ALEXANDRE SAUL External Examiner *

Resumen: This study analyzes the construction and development of a process of permanent
education of rural school educators in the Freire's perspective in order to unveil and
present critical contributions, obstacles and possibilities for the reinvention of the
practice of teacher education, based on the collaboration of the teachers and the
participants of an educational group. As a reference, Freire's thoughts are used and,
as theoretical framework, authors who stand in defense of teacher education in a
permanent perspective, among which Silva, Saul and Giovedi stand out. These are
authors who contribute to the analysis and interpretation of the information produced.
This study employed the methodology of participant observation, in a qualitative
approach, based on Lüdke and André, Minayo, Chizzotti, Ezpeleta and Rockwell and
Brandão, as well as Paulo Freire's propositions. The research proposal was
materialized in a project of extension of Freire’s continuous education of teachers at
multigraded schools in the municipality of São Domingos do Norte, ES, Brazil. The
project was held in eleven meetings, with thirty-eight educators of graded and
multigraded elementary schools. The data produced during the research development
were grouped in Freire’s categories that correspond to the principles used for the
analysis of the moments of deconstruction and construction of the proposal: Freire's
permanent education, dialogicity, critical reflection on practice, participation,
awareness, politicity, curriculum and transformative praxis, which constitute a
conceptual framework of the researcher about Paulo Freire's idea of permanent
education. The results show the meaning and relevance of the principles and moments
as a way to support the analysis of the process of development of the education
program and to overcome hegemonic formative practices.Thus, we sought to analyze
if the moments account for Freire's educational principles; if the practices contribute to
the subjects' understanding about the “continued” education from a permanent
perspective; and if they favor a transforming praxis of those involved in relation to
teacher education, thus showing emancipatory values of teaching and harbingering
changes in practice. This research is a contribution to an axis full of needs and it is
materialized as a proposal of the education process that becomes a paradigm break
and critical reflection on teacher education policies and practices. It presents itself as
a possibility to think about the neglect and the domain of teacher education for Rural
Education from a market model, detached from the concrete reality of this modality. Asa product, it is shown a reinvention of fundamentals and methodological indications in
order to contribute to the formation of educators of Rural Education, having Freire's
fundamentals and categories as reference, in a critical-liberating perspective, outlined
by principles, conditions and necessary moments for a Permanent Educational
Program for Rural Educators.
Keywords: Paulo Freire. Permanent teacher education. Rural Education.

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