Fecha de publicación: 27/08/2020

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RENATA DUARTE SIMOES Internal Examiner *

Resumen: The research aims to elaborate / implement / evaluate pedagogical practices in specialized educational assistance, in a multifunctional resource room (evening), aiming at complementing the learning of three students with intellectual disabilities, considering their training demands, enrolled in Elementary School II of the municipal school system. Vila Velha / ES. The study has the theoretical contributions of Philippe Meirieu (1998, 2002) and other authors who discuss Specialized Educational Service and intellectual disability, such as Mendes (2006), Baptista (2011) and Vieira (2016). It also dialogues with the relevant legislation regarding the Special Education modality, such as Resolution nº 2 (2001), National Policy of Special Education in the Perspective of Inclusive Education (2008), Resolution nº 4 (2009) and Decree nº 7.611 (2011). The theoretical-methodological framework involves a qualitative approach and is based on the assumptions of participatory research, contributing to the investigation of the practice itself. For data collection, it uses document analysis, semi-structured interviews and field diary. The subjects involved in the research process were three students with intellectual disabilities enrolled in Elementary School II and specialized educational assistance (in the evening), in addition to their parents and the teacher-researcher, author of the study. The data collection period took place between April and December 2019. It is developed through the following phases: 1) authorization of the students' legal guardians to involve them in the research; 2) pedagogical assessment to know the training demands of each student; 3) planning and mediation of pedagogical practices in moments of specialized educational assistance in the multifunctional resource room. Thus, research on the practice itself contributes to the understanding of knowledge that is (re) signified by pedagogical practice, ensuring the right to learn for students with intellectual disabilities; collaborates in the management of public policies; and investing in the training of teacher-researchers, is a necessary action to rethink the pedagogical practices for students with intellectual disabilities.

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