Tipo: MSc dissertation
Fecha de publicación: 25/08/2020

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VITOR GOMES Internal Examiner *

Resumen: This study seeks to understand and take specialized education as a pedagogical action in Special Needs Education, aiming to strengthen support networks for the schooling of students with disabilities and pervasive developmental disorders enrolled in an elementary school unit (initial years) in Serra/ES. It has as specific objectives: a) to critically analyze the educational policy and Special Needs Education implemented by the municipal education system, analyzed with regards to the schooling process for target students of Special Education in public schools; b) to understand the routine of the researched school and the meaning of specialized educational services adopted and the actions taken from this conception; c) to develop (with the school) continuous training processes to understand the assumptions of specialized educational services as a pedagogical action in Special Needs Education; d) to carry out collaborative actions with the professionals of the teaching unit, seeking to expand learning opportunities for students in the regular classroom. It seeks support in the sociological reflections of Boaventura de Sousa Santos (2006, 2007, 2008, 2010), in the pedagogical theories of Philippe Meirieu (2002, 2005) and authors from the field of Special Needs Education, such as Jesus (2005, 2006), Kassar e Rebelo (2011) and Vieira (2008, 2012), among others, in addition to Cláudio Roberto Baptista (2011, 2013). It is based on qualitative research and in the assumptions of collaborative-critical action research, adopting the following collection procedures: a) authorization requests from the Municipal Department of Education of Serra/ES and the school to conduct the study; b) consultation and analysis of documents related to municipal education and Special Needs education; c) sensitive listening about the school routine to understand the meanings and organizational ways of specialized educational systems; d) creation of moments of continuous educational training and collaborative work with the regular class to expand this understanding and the support network with the pedagogical work of the regular class; e) semi-structured interviews. The field diary, recorders, and an interview script were adopted as recording instruments, with the data being collected from March to December 2019, having as subjects teachers from regular classes, teachers of specialized educational services, school management, technical and pedagogical team, interns, caregivers, students' families, and students themselves. The data points to the contributions of continuing education and collaborative actions in the process of expanding the meanings of specialized educational assistance beyond the multifunctional resource rooms, leading it to interact with various pedagogical actions and to extend to the various spaces in time that require support for student learning. The special education services as a pedagogical action in Special Needs Education enhances the teaching work, the support networks for students, the know-hows of Education professionals, and the organizational practices of schools.

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