Fecha de publicación: 04/05/2021

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EDSON MACIEL PEIXOTO External Examiner *

Resumen: This is a master's dissertation linked to the Graduate Program of Professional Master's in Education that aims to analyze the process of democratization of education in Youth and Adult Education in the city of Vitória-ES, more specifically in the Municipal School of Elementary Education Youth and Adult Education “Professor Admardo Serafim de Oliveira”, in its different contexts of consolidation, seeking to understand how he has been working to face the
condition of poverty / extreme, poverty and social inequality in which students of this type of education live. From the studies of Arroyo (2005, 2010, 2014, 2016, 2017), Freire (1981, 1987, 1997), Cararo (2015), Garcia and Hillesheim (2017), Yannoulas (2013) and Duarte (2012) understand the poverty as a complex, structural and multifaceted phenomenon, the result of a
historical path that promotes social inequality for a considerable portion of the Brazilian population. Based on the studies of Azanha (1979) and Carvalho (2004), he reflects on the democratization of teaching and, in the studies of Machado (2009), Paiva (2006, 2007, 2014), Oliveira (2006) and Ventura (2011), on Youth and Adult Education. The locus of this research
is the Admardo school, justifying this choice due to its territoriality, its subjects, its methodological and conceptual work proposal, among other aspects that differentiate it from other teaching units in the municipal network of Vitória. Referring to the role of public educational policies in addressing social inequalities and poverty in its multifacets, we seek answers to the following question: how poverty has been thought / situated / faced in the process of democratizing teaching in the “multiclass” school institution Admardo Serafim de Oliveira, installed in ten different neighborhoods in the city of Vitória-ES? This question guides the research and highlights the relevance of the constitutional principle of democratization of
education at the interface of the dialogue with poverty in the sense of its social and economic transformation. Research, of a qualitative nature, chooses documentary analysis and dialogue with different subjects in the educational field as a methodological path, betting on the collaborative proposal for the construction of relevant public policies to face poverty and
extreme poverty, systematized in a formative context with professionals from the Admardo school, through the Extension Course “Poverty and Education: a necessary dialogue”. As a result, the change in understanding of the “poverty” analysis category stands out. With the collaboration of the subjects participating in this research, considering the social contexts of the
impoverished students' lives, it concludes that it is possible to rethink educational practices with actions that guarantee the democratization of teaching, the right to education and quality learning, that promote development and enable access to historical and critical knowledge about
poverty, aiming at overcoming it.

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