Fecha de publicación: 13/07/2021

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Junta de examinadores:

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RODRIGO BARCHI External Examiner *
VILMAR JOSÉ BORGES Internal Examiner *

Resumen: This research problematizes the pedagogical, political and ecological potential of pedagogical practices carried out in daily school with the use of drones and other technocultural artifacts, in dialogue with a political environmental education. Our objectives are to discuss the pedagogical, political and ecological contributions that emerge with the use of drones and other technocultural artifacts in daily school and with the participation of communities living close to the mangroves of the Sustainable Development Reserve (RDS) of the Mangroves of Cariacica; analyze the pedagogical, political and ecological contributions of the use of drones and other technocultural artifacts in school routine, in teacher training processes, in a dialogue with Cariacicas municipal environmental education policy; and, to produce an educational product of a didactic-pedagogical and formative nature, which consists of a short film, with the wanderings and experiences between the world of mud and daily school. The research subjects are students, teachers, local and riverside communities and representatives of environmental and education agencies in the city. The theoretical approaches of the research are also political choice and approach to pedagogy of Paulo Freires, the readings of the world and environmental education of the research subjects and subjects of their histories, in a movement of dialoguing and learning from their own history. The methodological contributions get close to a narrative and cartographic research and to a daily school routine. In the production of data, we conducted conversational interviews with the research subjects, field classes, workshops, field diaries, videos and aerial photographs produced with students and with the community. The educational product is an audio-visual: a birds eye view over the communities, mangroves and their ecologies, produced with the research subjects, consisting of narratives and images fished throughout the process and which will also be available on the youtube channel and blog called \"Tide Narrators\" and on the authors social networks. The audiovisual addresses the processes of research and the researcher, the ecologies of the territory, narratives, pedagogical activities carried out, videos and photographs produced with the research subjects, choosing a narrative policy, in which the subject of the research and the history can tell their memories, conflicts, living and fishing in the neighborhood, the local historical, geographical, ecological and cultural potential. Betting on the pedagogical and training potential of technocultural artifacts and of the narrative images in daily school life, in favor of a political environmental education that enhances community participation in discussions, and consequently, intervention in local issues.

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