Fecha de publicación: 18/08/2022

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Resumen: The dissertation aims to establish continuing education processes with a teaching unit in the municipal network of Guarapari/ES so that teachers can deepen their know-how about the impacts of medicalization on the teaching-learning processes of students enrolled in the early years of education. fundamental. It adopts as specific objectives: a) to promote a survey of the number of students enrolled in the investigated school with referrals for diagnosis and use of some type of medication; b) create a listening network with teachers to understand the reasons and justifications they adopt for referring these students to health services in the search for the use of some type of medication; c) constitute a survey (with the teachers) of themes that they consider relevant to theoretically deepen in moments of continuing education in context on the theme of medicalization in/of education; d) to compose the training moments with the teachers to reflect on the raised themes, expanding the teachers' know-how about the impacts of medicalization on education and the importance of enhancing pedagogical practices to work with human difference/diversity; e) collaborate so that new lines of analysis are constituted on the teaching-learning processes of different students based on the research involved. It chooses as a theoretical framework approximations with the theories of Boaventura de Sousa Santos (2006, 2007, 2008), authors who discuss medicalization in/of education and its impacts on teaching-learning processes, such as Collares and Moyses (2010), Guarido (2010) ), Meira (2012), Santos (2014), among others, and authors of teacher education such as: Nóvoa (1995) and Freire (1996). Methodologically, it is a qualitative research, which adopts the collaborative-critical action research method, carried out through:
a) authorization request to the Education Department and to the school; b) document consultation; c) use of questionnaires to survey continuing education themes; d) organization and experience of training processes with the school, involving 20 professionals from a school in the municipal education network of Guarapari - ES. The training processes were carried out remotely by the MEET platform and recorded, with the data produced from August 2021 to November of the same year. As a result, the study demonstrates that: a) the phenomenon of medicalization has gained space in schools; b) students considered as having some deviation are diagnosed, referred to health services, using psychotropic drugs and directed to Special Education; c) medicalization has made it impossible to discuss issues that cross the mediation of knowledge at school when it places the student as responsible for the barriers/challenges that cross the teaching-learning processes; d) the continuing education of teachers is a depathologizing policy when it leads education professionals to problematize the phenomenon of medicalization in/of education, betting on more inclusive pedagogical practices as possibilities for students to find greater meanings in pedagogical work.

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