Tipo: MSc dissertation
Fecha de publicación: 02/12/2022
Nombre | Rol |
Junta de examinadores:
Nombre | Rol |
ALEXANDRO BRAGA VIEIRA | Internal Examiner * |
EDNA CASTRO DE OLIVEIRA | External Examiner * |
ROSEMEIRE DOS SANTOS BRITO | Internal Examiner * |
Resumen: This research addresses the pedagogical movement supported by the collective praxis of management of school processes and teacher training carried out by a public school, in the countryside and in alternation, in the municipality of Brejetuba-ES, which was willing to rethink its pedagogical practices having as a starting point starting from the reality of the students who live in the countryside and the knowledge produced in this social base. Its general objective was to analyze this process of curriculum organization from the themes of the complexes and to identify the implications of this proposal for the teaching praxis in alternation. The methodological reference assumed in this study is historical-dialectical materialism (HDM), having as its principle the understanding and explanation of the investigated objects and phenomena such as they exist in their practical existence, for which it relies on Frigotto (2010), Lukacs ( 1979, 2013), Netto (2009) and Tonet (2013). The data analysis and interpretation procedure was based on the proposal of the Nuclei of Meaning discussed from Vygotsky and on the understanding of Bakhtin's language, as a socio-ideological sign. The information sought in the social plan of the students by the instrument called Inventory of Reality and the records of the researcher's field diary about the organization of pedagogical work in the context of training through praxis are constituted as data of this research. The theoretical basis of this research was built around the categories that supported the methodological proposition such as teaching praxis, the historical moment of the pandemic, the contradiction between the official curriculum and the study complex, continuing education combined with the autonomy of the Caldart teaching work (2004, 2011, 2012, 2015a, 2015c), Molina (2012), Curado
Silva (2017, 2019), Freitas (2009, 2010), Paulo Freire (1987), Sapelli (2013, 2017, 2021). All these categories are treated linked to the principles of Rural Education and its implications for the transformation of the school form. The results of this study show that in the search for (re)building the link between the school and the living processes of its surroundings, the school team constituted a more dialectical perception of reality, from the contradictions of the current school form, the understanding of interdisciplinarity within the totality of this real, based on the objective intentionality of the emancipatory educational project of Rural Education. And, mainly, the subsidy to the development of a creative autonomy of the educator in front of the systematization of the process lived by the collective. Furthermore, this formative movement sought elements and added others to the school's experience with the Pedagogy of Alternation. This reaffirms that this movement, just as it did not begin specifically as research, will not end with it either, as it continues to be fed by the school in the context of praxis.