CHILDREN'S DRAWINGS AS CURRICULUM CREATING ART: cartography between artistic signs, childhood and teaching
Fecha de publicación: 10/07/2023
Junta de examinadores:
Nombre | Rol |
CARMEN LÚCIA VIDAL PÉREZ | Examinador Externo |
SOLER GONZALEZ | Examinador Interno |
Resumen: The intention of this dissertation is dedicated to highlighting children's drawings as an art that creates curricula. It highlights as a problematic field of research to understand how the experiences of children's drawing production provoke the creative power of children and teachers in Early Childhood Education. It presents the following micro- intentionalities: a) mapping, in theses and dissertations, how children's drawing has been debated in academic productions through the bias of the Philosophy of Difference in the last decade; b) mapping how artistic signs cross the experiences of producing children's drawings in a Municipal Center for Early Childhood Education in Vitória/ES with children from 05 to 05 in 11 months; c) problematize, through networks of conversations with children and teachers, which meanings are attributed to drawings for a creative experience in childhood. Theoretically, it mobilizes the studies of Silva (2001), Lopes and Macedo (2011) regarding the post-critical theory; Deleuze (2003, 2007, 2013), with the problematization of artistic signs and assemblages; Bergson (2010) regarding the concept of creative evolution; Kohan with the concept of becoming-child; Corazza (2009, 2013) with the concept of teaching artistry and Alves (2019) in the dialogue about the curriculum as networks of knowledge and meanings. Methodologically, it is invited by the cartography coined by Deleuze and Guattari (2011), Passos; Kastrup; Scosia (2020) as a research-intervention method. As data production devices, it mobilizes networks of conversations (Carvalho, 2009) with teachers and children, observation-intervention of children's drawings, imagery (photographic) records. As an educational product, it develops a catalog of drawings with children and teachers, entitled: “Children's drawings as curriculum-creating art''. As considerations the research highlights: the bet on the existing multiplicities in the territory of Early Childhood Education, potentiated by the circles of conversations between teachers and children; the appreciation of children's drawing and its creation/production processes as essential movements to promote inventive learning; the creative power of children's drawings as artistic signs in the fabric of knowledge networks and in the construction of a curriculum sensitive to the needs and experiences of childhoods that are part of this territory.