Research Groups

Research centers:
The PPGE infrastructure is made up of Research and Extension Centers that not only support the Program in material terms, but also in terms of promoting knowledge production. The centers bring together teachers and students from the program around teaching, research and extension activities.
1) Research and Extension Center for Curricula, Daily Life and Cultures at the UFES Education Center (NUPEC).
WEB page: is external)
The nucleus conducts studies and research aiming at: a) Potentializing actions that strengthen the production of studies and research in the field of the Curriculum at the UFES Education Center; b) Strengthen partnerships with the municipal and state education networks, as well as, at the Federal level, the departments and collegiate bodies of UFES and the State Technological Education Centers, in studies and research in curricula; c) Streamline and expand the exchange networks between NUPEC3 / UFES and research groups at local, regional, national and international levels, in particular, groups registered in the CNPq Research Groups Directory in the curriculum field; d) Promote political actions that can enhance the training and integration / partnership networks between university and society with regard to the discursive practices that establish networks for sharing knowledge and doing with curricula and daily life; e) exchange results and experiences of NUPEC3 with the academic-scientific community and teachers of basic education and local, regional, national and international organizations / institutions, aiming at increasing interinstitutional exchanges / partnerships.
2) The Center for Teaching, Research and Extension in Special Education (NEESP)
It has followed a pioneering and singular trajectory inside and outside the Education Center in the past ten years. It started with a group of teachers interested in special education issues in the early nineties; it later consolidated itself as an emerging group, became a laboratory and today as a nucleus it seeks to develop actions in the area, articulating teaching, research and extension, including undergraduate and graduate courses.
3) Center for Studies and Research in Literacy, Reading and Writing in Espírito Santo (NEPALES)
It constitutes a privileged locus for carrying out studies and research on written culture and reading, its forms of existence in societies, in different times and places, its production and transmission, inside and outside institutions, its relations with other languages. and technologies and the processes of constituting readers and producers of texts able to insert themselves into society as citizens.
4) Center for Early Childhood Education (NEDI)
It is a space for discussion and development of research aimed at children, articulated by several institutions, governmental, non-governmental bodies and entities committed to the development of children from 0 to 6 years old, both walk together in activities that provide advances in Education, and in especially to Early Childhood Education.
5) Interdisciplinary Center for Studies and Learning, Cognition and Social Interaction Processes (NIEPACES)
Research Group, enrolled in CNPq and a Permanent Extension Program at UFES that works at the Education Center of the Federal University of Espírito Santo. Its objectives are to serve as a support for the training of educators, providing them with theoretical discussions and practical interventions, to develop educational games and games aimed at children, especially in early childhood education and early grades and for the creation of Extension Projects, related to their area of ​​activity, which benefit the external community.
6) The Center for Afro-Brazilian Studies (NEAB)
WEB page: (link is external)
Its general objective is to constitute itself as a reference center that articulates and promotes teaching, research and extension activities related to the field of Afro-Brazilian studies. NEAB aims to produce knowledge related to the field of studies; disseminate knowledge produced in the study area; promote information exchange; constitute a forum for articulation and discussion of the actions developed at UFES on Africa and Africanities in Brazil, currently part of the Education Center, integrating the projects carried out by the Diversity and Inclusive Educational Practices Research Line of the Postgraduate Program in Education - PPGE / CE / UFES. NEAB's headquarters are located in the PPGE / CE / UFES building.
7) The Center for Studies and Research in Education and Philosophy (NEPEFIL)
Coordinated by Professor Dr. Robson Loureiro, it is a space for convergence and conduction of studies and research related to the diverse fields of elaborated knowledge such as sciences, arts, philosophy, letters, among others linked to the educational phenomenon. Bringing together researchers involved in the educational and philosophical issues and who propose to carry out studies, research and debates linked to the various fields of knowledge and in dialogue with the educational field, NEPEFIL's studies and research cover issues of a theoretical-methodological nature, of education and thinking.
8) Youth and Adult Education Center (Neja)
It brings together researchers who carry out studies and research on the education of young people and adults. The core provides undergraduate students with the opportunity to experience the training experience, as EJA educators, in the classroom and other teaching spaces. Strengthens and consolidates the practice of interinstitutional research with researchers and research groups, at the local, regional, national and international levels, which focus on issues involving EJA. Coordinated by Professor Edna Castro de Oliveira.
9) Center for Studies and Research in Educational Policies (Nepe)
Center created in 2007 with the aim of adding research and extension actions developed by the Education Center, in addition to enabling and expanding the scientific knowledge produced for the benefit of the educational systems of the State of Espírito Santo. Coordinated by prof. Elisa Bartolozzi Ferreira.
10) Interdisciplinary Nucleus for Research and Studies in Environmental Education (Nipeea)
It brings together research carried out at the masters, doctorate and teaching, research and extension projects in Environmental Education and constitutes a Reference Center with an interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary approach in Environmental Education. Coordinated by prof. Martha Tristão.
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