Distance Learning
UFES has a structured distance learning program in operation since 2000. The program is integrated with the Universidade Aberta do Brasil - UAB system, linked to CAPES / MEC. The Center for Open and Distance Education (ne @ ad (link sends e-mail)) is the mediating body and manager of actions aimed at distance learning and is managed by the Central Administration of UFES. Inside, the UAB Coordination and Adjunct Coordination are allocated; and its structuring is made up of specialists from different areas of knowledge, attending projects from various centers and departments of the University and other institutions.
This structure is distributed in three Regional Distance Education Centers - cre @ ads (link sends e-mail) - and, through partnerships between UFES, MEC and the municipalities, in 26 (twenty-six) centers municipal support centers of the Open University of Brazil - UAB Poles, which interconnect all the regions of Espírito Santo. Cre @ ads (link sends e-mail) are located in the municipalities of 1) Montanha, 2) Barra de São Francisco and 3) Guaçuí and the UAB-poles in the cities of 1) Nova Venécia, 2) São Mateus, 3 ) Linhares, 4) Colatina, 5) Santa Teresa, 6) Venda Nova do Imigrante, 7) Vitória, 8) Vila Velha, 9) Alegre, 10) Cachoeiro de Itapemirim, 11) Conceição da Barra, 12) Pinheiros, 13) Ecoporanga, 14) Bom Jesus do Norte, 15) Mimoso do Sul, 16) Itapemirim, 17) Castelo, 18) Vargem Alta, 19) Iúna, 20) Aracruz, 21) Afonso Cláudio, 22) Domingos Martins, 23) Baixo Guandu , 24) Mantenópolis, 25) Piúma, 26) Santa Leopoldina. Cre @ ads (link sends e-mail) and UAB-poles encompass neighboring municipalities within a radius of up to 60 kilometers and are directly linked to ne @ ad (link sends e-mail), which is based at the Goiabeiras Campus in Vitória .
In addition to courses at undergraduate and graduate lato sensu levels, Distance Learning at UFES assists and supports research activities and knowledge dissemination in some Stricto Sensu Graduate Programs and the Institutional Scientific Initiation Program.
Distance Education disseminates knowledge to all regions of the state, training professionals in the different areas of human knowledge and providing them with means of better thinking and organizing the development of the regions of this State. EAD is an important and effective instrument for democratizing access to education, establishing itself, increasingly, as an option of quality education that serves a considerable population and, at times, historically unassisted, without which would not have the opportunity to access training at a higher level or at a level of improvement and post-graduation.
In addition to the courses, conventional didactic resources are mixed with those coming from information and knowledge technologies. For this purpose, printed materials and didactic guides are used, but also, and mainly, the media resources and those made possible by the Internet, in particular the teaching platforms, forums, chat rooms, e-mail, discussion groups, blogs, virtual portfolios, videoconferencing, Web conferencing, DVDs, MP3s, technical visits to companies, among others.
UFES 'distance education proposal aims, above all, to introduce the University, more and more, into the culture of Open and Distance Education and in the use of New Communication and Information Technologies in the external and internal training spaces, in order to radiate, increasingly and better, education that is of quality, capable of developing the regions of the State and improving the quality of life of its current inhabitants and future generations.
PPGE has been actively participating in distance activities, either by coordinating such activities or by the participation of students, graduates and teachers. It should be noted that since 2008, 8000 students have been trained in the Distance Education course.
Currently, more systematically and under the responsibility of PPGE teachers, we have the following distance learning activities / courses. All have the participation of professors, students and alumni, in addition to undergraduate students, especially undergraduates.
Lato Sensu Specialization Course in Rural Education NEAD / UFES
The Lato Sensu Specialization Course in Rural Education involves partnerships between UFES and the Department of Continuing Education, Literacy and Diversity of the Ministry of Education / SECAD / MEC, State Secretariat of Education of Espírito Santo - SEDU, Municipal Education Departments, social movements and organized civil society entities. It was approved by SECAD / MEC in the first semester of 2008 (SECAD Edital no. 1 of 04/16/2008 - Public call for selection of higher education institutions to implement the Education for Diversity Network within the scope of the Open University of Brazil system - UAB). It is financed by the National Education Development Fund - FNDE.
The course was approved by the Collegiate of PPGE / UFES. 350 vacancies were offered in 10 centers of the Open University of Brazil in the interior of ES, to serve professionals in rural education teaching, who work in ES regions with Human Development Index - HDI and Basic Education Development Index - IDEB low. Unfortunately, this picture reminds us of peasant populations, including mainly family farming workers (Agrarian Reform settlements, quilombolas, indigenous people, Pomeranians, among others).
It is one of the projects developed in the Continuing Education Program for Rural Teachers developed by the Education Center / UFES. The central objective is to promote affirmative policies for the valorization of peasant territories, traditional peoples who live on the land, with the rescue of identities and knowledge of the land.
This specialization course lasts 18 months, culminating in the production of monographic work by each of the students, investigating issues of teaching practice and / or educational management in different rural contexts.
The team of trainers is composed of:
22 face-to-face tutors b) 11 distance tutors. This is mostly alumni of undergraduate and master's and / or doctoral courses at UFES. It is worth mentioning that at least 50% of these tutors are former students of PPGE / UFES and / or are studying for a doctorate;
Approximately 30 CE / UFES professors and / or external guests.
There are several dissertations (at least 3) and theses (at least 2) being developed from this work carried out by UFES / SECAD and other institutions.
Activities carried out: selection of tutors, preparation of an article for CD-ROM entitled Considerations for beginners in research in mathematical education and field education, preparation of didactic material - Research Methodology in Rural Education, professor of the discipline Research Methodology, guidance at a distance from the students, a lecture at the opening of the Rural Education Program (UFES); production of a website for the discipline Research Methodology in Rural Education. Responsible: Erineu Foerste
Lato Sensu Postgraduate Course in Improvement Level Environmental Education via distance learning NEAD / UFES.
Assistance with CGEA / SECAD / MEC in the UAB / UFES agreement in the production / elaboration team of didactic material of the Training Process in Environmental Education at a distance - National and Local content; Martha Tristan
Organization of the local didactic material (printed and digital) of the Training Process in Environmental Education at a distance PPGE / UFES ISBN: 978-85-60050-23-9; Martha Tristan.
Visual Arts Course EAD (semi-presential modality) -UAB / UFES
The Visual Arts Course - Distance Education modality, presented here as part of the UFES Interiorization Program, in open and distance modality, has the structure of the Open and Distance Education Nucleus - (ne @ ad (link sends e- mail)), with the thirteen Regional Centers for Open and Distance Education - (cre @ ad (link sends e-mail) ’s) and with twenty-one Municipal Centers for Open and Distance Education - ceme @ ad (link sends e-mail) ’s (Municipal Poles) for its technical feasibility and methodology, as well as with the Integrated Research Project (PIP), which assesses the educational proposal of the Program. The open and distance modality offers a special opportunity to examine the pedagogical action of the courses in terms of their efficiency, effectiveness, socio-educational effectiveness and their specific impacts on the learner. The role of ne @ ad (link sends e-mail) in the implementation, development and evaluation of the UFES EAD Network and the UFES Interior Program in the EAD modality is emphasized.
Aiming to democratize access to the University, this project proposes the creation of an innovative and quality undergraduate course, in the area of Arts, in the Degree in Visual Arts at a Distance.
Main goal
To train, in a consistent and contextualized way, teachers to act as art-educators in the education system, in the final grades of Elementary School and / or in High School.
The project intends to meet a demand for the Distance Arts Degree Course in Visual Arts, in all the localities to which the City Halls adhered to the Public Notice.
The vacancies were allocated 50% to teachers in public school and the other 50% to the general public. Vacancies were offered to 660 students in the first and only entry until the year 2010.
Poles served: Alegre, Afonso Claudio, Aracruz, Bom Jesus do Norte, Cachoeiro de Itapemirim, Colatina, Conceição da Barra, Domingos Martins, Ecoporanga, Itapemirim, Iúna, Linhares, Mantenópolis, Nova Venécia, Pinheiros, Piúma, Santa Leopoldina, Santa Teresa , São Mateus, Vargem Alta, Venda Nova do Imigrante, Vila Velha
From PPGE / UFES, Dr. Cesar Pereira Cola, Dr. Gerda Foerst and Dr. Moema Martins Rebouças participate directly in this course.
Physical Education in Basic Education Course - Distance Learning Course NEAD / UFES.
Main goal
Promote the organization of knowledge based on the problematization of their professional practice, seeking to expand and guarantee a theoretical and practical improvement, in an articulation between the different areas of knowledge that are necessary for their performance as a Physical Education teacher. Thus, it is believed, with the present course, that it is creating conditions to ensure the undergraduate students a full understanding of their identity as a teacher.
All teachers of the Public Education Network of the State of Espírito Santo (Municipal and State), who are teaching the subject of Physical Education in the final grades of the Program, can participate in the Physical Education Degree Course to work in Basic Education - distance modality. Elementary School and / or High School, without a Degree in the specific area and who have been working for at least one year in the teaching function in public schools. Silvana Ventorim.