Institutional Exchanges
In order to fulfill UFES 'mission of being recognized as a public institution of national and international excellence in teaching, research and extension, integrated with society and committed to innovation and sustainable development (PDI 2015-2019), PPGE promotes exchanges nationals and internationals.
National exchanges in progress:
1- DINTER with the Federal Institute of Minas Gerais / Campus São João Evangelista;
2- PROEJA group of researchers at national level, composed of the following leading institutions: UFES, UnB, UFC UFG, UFRG, UFBA, State University of Northern Fluminense Darcy Ribeiro, Federal Center for Technological Education of Minas Gerais and State Center for Technological Education Paula Souza-SP;
3- Interinstitutional research: UFES / UFRGS / UFSCar - systematic collaboration between the Diversity and Inclusive Educational Practices Research Line (PPGE-CE-UFES) and the Center for Studies on School Inclusion Policies;
4- Interinstitutional research program, with cooperation protocol involving UFMG, UFRS, UFMT, UFRJ, UFES and UFAM;
5- Partnership with the PROPED / UERJ Education and Image Laboratory and the Research Group: School life and curriculum (UERJ);
6- Interinstitutional Research Project Integrality in Health LAPPIS / IMS-UERJ;
7- Interinstitutional Research Project with the Socio-Semiotic Research Center, from USP;
8- Research networks between several institutions: UFPA, UFMG, UFPE, UFF, UERJ, UFAL, Unicamp, Unemat, UESB, UFRGS, UNESP.
International exchanges in progress:
1. Justus-Liebig-Universitätt Giessen / Germany (agreement signed)
2. Polytechnic University of Valencia / Spain (agreement signed)
3. University of Valencia / Spain (agreement signed)
4. Pablo Olavide University / Spain (agreement signed)
5. University of Minnesota - College of Education for Human Development / USA (agreement signed)
6. University of Padova / Italia (agreement signed)
7. Pontifical Catholic University of Valparaiso / Chile (agreement signed)
8. Universidad Alberto Hurtado / Chile (agreement signed)
9. Università Degli Studi di Sassari / Italy (agreement signed)
10. Veracruzana University / Mexico (agreement signed)
11. University of Porto / Portugal (agreement signed)
12. University of Lisbon / Portugal (agreement signed)
13. University of Minho / Portugal (agreement signed)
14. Shenzhen Polytechnic / China (agreement signed)
15. Deakin University / Australia (new partnership)
16. Université du Quebec / Canada (new partnership)
17. Alberta University / Canada (new partnership)
18. Florida Atlantic University / USA (new partnership)
19. Jaume I University / Spain (new partnership)
20. University of Évora / Portugal (new partnership)
21. Université de Strasbourg / France (new partnership)
22. Coventry University / England (new partnership)
23. Università di Verona / Italia (new partnership)
25. Estrado Network