Solidarity, nucleationand visibility
PPGE has several CNPq research productivity researchers who stand out in their areas of expertise and are leaders of research groups. Consolidated researchers and research groups are the starting point for the formation of researchers with the potential to nucleate new groups.
A demonstration of the program's solidarity is the cooperation in networks with the offer of specialization courses in the areas of management, educational policy, teaching work, children's literacy, youth and adult education, field education and early childhood education, under the form of cooperation networks between MEC, Universities, Scientific Associations and Teaching Systems of the State of Espírito Santo and UFES, with the objective of reducing disparities in the offer of training at the postgraduate level, including lato-sensu, in regions of the State.
Many PPGE teachers have supported other programs by offering courses and disciplines, presenting lectures and mentoring or co-supervising students, as described in the complementary activities. As an example of activities that end the PPGE solidarity, we can mention the collaboration of professors with programs from UFES itself and also from several IFES units in the State.
Another relevant point of solidarity in course deals with the political-pedagogical action of a group of teachers who actively participate in the State Education Forum and the organization of the Popular Education Conference.
As nucleation experiences, we draw attention to the large number of PPGE graduates who are professors at the UFES Education Center - Vitória campus and also from the interior of the state. The creation of the Professional Master's Degree, at the Education Center, took place with the support of several PPGE teachers who continue to support the Program with consultancy and participation in events. The current PPGEMP coordinator and his assistant coordinator are graduates of the PPGE.
There are also PPGE graduates who are professors in other HEIs in the country, for example, at the Federal University of Mato Grosso, State University of Santa Cruz (Ilhéus), Federal University of Lavras, State University of Rio de Janeiro, Federal University of Tocantins, State University of Bahia etc. Teachers (alumni) remain in the solidarity network established by PPGE with monitoring and production of inter-institutional research.
The professional insertion of PPGE graduates in other HEIs and UFES itself confirms our goal in training professionals to work in higher education.
It is also important to point out that the vast majority of PPGE teachers and their students work in Continuing Education projects for education professionals both in public and private institutions, with emphasis on collaboration with public education networks.
There are also a number of teachers who have been dedicated to the development and analysis of teaching materials and new / other possibilities for teaching and learning, mainly through the virtual path. Projects in the field of Education in the Field stand out; Literacy; Pedagogy of the Earth; Youth and Adult Education; Elementary School Curriculum; Special Education, Afro-Brazilian Ethnic Racial Relations; Environmental education; Educational Informatics; Art Education, among others.
The program's visibility is favored by the varied extension activities carried out by PPGE teachers and by the dissemination of articles and books, in addition to interviews in the local and national media, as can be seen in the technical production of the teachers. Courses, events, publications, provide the external community of UFES with access to innovations and developments in academic research.
It is worth mentioning that because the PPGE is the oldest postgraduate program in ES (43 years old) and is also the only academic, it means that its professors are constantly contacted by the media for interviews or opinions on actions to be implemented. in the field of state or country education.