Outside activities
The PPGMPE has teachers who develop various other activities at the national/local level that contribute to the strengthening of the right to education for all and the training of teachers/valuation of the teaching profession.
We have professors affiliated with ANPAE – National Association for Education Policy and Administration – a civil association of public utility and academic nature in the field of education policy and management, which brings together researchers, professors and students of higher education; leaders and technicians of education systems; and teachers and directors of schools and other social spaces for education and citizenship training. ANPAE's mission is to fight for the effective exercise of the right to quality education for all, ensured throughout life, through its participation in the formulation and execution of public education policies and in the conception and adoption of
democratic management practices, based on the values of social justice, freedom and equal rights and duties in education and society. Professor Eduardo Augusto Moscon Oliveira (PPGMPE) was Director of Anpae - Espírito Santo Section. Management 2013 – 2014. Director of Anpae - Espírito Santo Section. Management: 2015 – 2016.
Many professors are also members and active participants of ANPED – National Association of Graduate Studies and Research in Education – occupying positions of ad doc reviewers, as well as vice-coordinators of Working Groups (GT), in addition to actively participating in the biannual meetings and of the regional ones with presentation of works and/or coordination of tables.
We also have teachers associated with ANFOPE - the National Association for the Training of Education Professionals - making a significant contribution to discussions, implementation/evaluation of public policies aimed at the initial and continuing training of teachers.
At the local level, we are represented in the 39 PERMANENT STATE FORUM FOR TEACHER TRAINING' IN THE STATE OF ESPÍRITO SANTO - FEPAD/ES. - Ordinance SEDU/ES - n.601-S 08/05/2015 (COMFOR/UFES), in the figure of Prof. doctor Eduardo Augusto Moscon Oliveira.