Graduation integration
The integration of the Postgraduate Program in Education with graduation, in Pedagogy and Licentiate courses, occurs through teaching, research, extension activities, the orientation of Course Completion Works (TCC), the PIBID programs and for the curricular activities of the master's and doctorate courses, specifically, the Education Forum.
The Education Forum is a mandatory curricular activity for master's and doctoral students that consists of organizing seminars on research in development. This curricular activity is open to the participation of undergraduate students and professionals in basic education.
Another activity that has also had a significant participation in undergraduate courses is QUARTA NA PÓS, which is summarized in the exhibition and debate of research developed by PPGE graduates. Classes organize a joint presentation of their research in progress to undergraduate and external members of basic education.
Generally, undergraduate and graduate students participate together in different events in the area, both local and national. The events are carried out by the research lines in conjunction with the Study and Research Centers of the Education Center and constitute a fundamental space for bringing together undergraduate and graduate students. Undergraduate and graduate students are directly involved in actions promoting the participation of undergraduate students in dissertation, Program Thesis and other training activities sponsored by PPGE.
It is important to emphasize that integration with undergraduate courses is facilitated by UFES 'internal policy, which has norms and programs that favor the exchange between undergraduate and graduate courses. Resolution nº 11/2010-CEPE and the General Regulation of Graduate Studies at UFES, for example, provide that all faculty members of the University who work in Graduate Programs must teach undergraduate classes in disciplines under the responsibility of the Department where it is located.
Due to this requirement, PPGE professors teach, in general, up to two subjects in undergraduate courses. It is worth mentioning the fact that the action of permanent teachers in the undergraduate program transcends the scope of the Pedagogy course, since the subjects of common training in the pedagogical area of undergraduate courses are the responsibility of the Education Center, as well as the discussions around pedagogical guidelines of the University's different degree courses. Thus, as the PPGE professors are mostly located in the three departments of the Education Center that offer pedagogical disciplines for the 16 UFES Licentiate Courses and many of them also act as representatives of the CE in the Collegiate courses of UFES. degrees, the intensity of the exchange between undergraduate and graduate courses at PPGE through teaching is evident.
The exchange is also favored through the Institutional Scientific Initiation Program (PIIC), maintained by the Dean of Research and Graduate Studies (PRPPG), which has also contributed significantly to the integration between Undergraduate and Graduate Studies, since it allows the constitution of research groups composed of professors from the permanent staff of the program, professors from the Education Center, doctoral students, master's students and undergraduate students (IC scholarship holders and students from the Voluntary Scientific Initiation Program - PIVIC). The agencies that have contributed a lot to this articulation are the Espírito Santo Research Support Foundation (FAPES), CAPES and CNPq, which, through public notices, have financed research projects, which include IC scholarship quotas, which contribute to the performance of undergraduate students in research carried out by teachers of the program. It is also worth mentioning the Integrated Scholarship Program for Undergraduate Students (PAD) at UFES with students working in research, extension and teaching activities supervised by teachers of the program. With the PAD, undergraduate students are working in planning and organizing events (cycle / study circle / lectures and seminars), in extension activities and in study groups.
A new integration initiated in the year 2017, between the post-graduation, Research Centers and the Graduation, deals with the realization of a presentation event, to the new students of the Undergraduate Course, about the teaching, research and extension actions developed by the professors. of the Education Center. It should be said that this activity is part of the academic calendar of the University.
Another important way of interchange between undergraduate and graduate courses is the Knowledge Connections Tutorial Education Project (PET) that works with the theme of education, in the specificity of early childhood education, in the focus of teacher education, integrating undergraduate students from the courses of Pedagogy, Visual Arts and Physical Education. The proposed actions articulate teaching, research (Student Trajectory Research Project) and extension (Extension Project: Early Childhood Education: teaching work in meeting with children), based on five axes: Integration with regional and national PET groups, integration with other PET groups within the scope of UFES, integration with other PET Conexões groups at the local and national level, specific activities within the field of action of PET Conexões Educação and actions linked to Petians' courses of origin. These axes are integrated in the performance of actions, in order to work in the horizon of a completeness of the work proposal, in a theoretical-methodological perspective that highlights the protagonism of the subjects. There are 12 undergraduate students involved and the coordinator responsible for the group is Prof. Dr. Valdete Côco. PET is funded by CAPES and FNDE.
Finally, we highlight the performance of Post-Graduation in undergraduate courses through the guidance of Course Conclusion Papers (TCC) by professors from PPGE. Several teachers of the Program, when they are not directly involved with the orientation, participate in TCC defense boards.
In summary, integration with graduation occurs mainly in the following activities:
a) offering of subjects in the Pedagogy course and other degrees;
b) orientation of graduation conclusion monographs (TCC);
c) orientation of Scientific Initiation scholarship holders (PIBIC / CNPq and volunteers - PIVIC / UFES), PROLICEN and other types of undergraduate scholarships;
d) insertion of the Teaching Internship of scholarship holders of the Program in graduation;
e) orientation of extension scholarship holders;
f) organization of events;
g) coordination and participation of the study and research centers;
h) involvement of undergraduate students with study groups and research centers.
i) Mandatory curricular activity of master's and doctoral students - Education Forum
k) holding the FOURTH IN POST, once a month.
Teaching internship:
The new PPGE curricular proposal, effective from 2017, has a teaching internship as a mandatory activity for all doctoral students. Generally, the doctoral student does the teaching internship together with the advisor or with another professor who works in the student's related knowledge area.
This measure was adopted because we consider the teaching internship important as an integration space between Undergraduate and Graduate Programs that allows the participation of master's and doctoral students, scholarship holders and non-scholarship holders, in supervised teaching activities in undergraduate courses both in pedagogy and in courses. of degrees. Teaching internships are consolidated spaces for training and exchanging teaching and research experiences that contribute to enhance teaching activities and course completion work (TCC). Generally, teaching trainees attend student orientation meetings and TCC boards.