Solidarity, nucleation and visibility
The PPGMPE has been establishing partnerships with public education networks in order to form solidarity networks and, consequently, the strengthening of various education policies. Gains scope are the various research and extension projects authored by the professors of the aforementioned program that establish a direct relationship with issues that are present in Basic Education and Higher Education. Research and extension projects are constituted in interaction with various teaching networks, involving teachers, students, pedagogical coordination teams, school directors and administrators
educational centers, in turn located both in the metropolitan region of Vitória - ES, and in the interior of the State of Espírito Santo.
It should be noted that the vast majority of PPGMPE professors and their students work in projects of Continuing Education for education professionals, both in public and private institutions, with emphasis on collaboration with public education networks. There is also a number that has been dedicated to the development and analysis of didactic materials and new/other teaching-learning possibilities, mainly via virtual means. Projects in the area of Education in the Countryside stand out; Literacy; Earth Pedagogy; Basic Education Curricula; Educational Management, Assessment, Early Childhood Education, Special Education, Afro-Brazilian Ethnic-Racial Relations; Environmental education; Medicalization of Education, Teacher's Health, School Violence, among others.
The PPGMPE, already in its first class, has been working to train leaders for Public Administration. It has students from various municipalities in the state of Espírito Santo. These professionals occupy a prominent position in state and municipal public education systems, with emphasis on Education Departments and Education Councils, as well as Higher Education.
The activities carried out by PPGMPE professors and students have contributed to the creation of some research base nuclei. These nuclei have been strengthening the existing laboratories and nuclei at the Education Center, triggering collective investigations by the research groups, as well as supporting the elaboration of dissertations/products of master's students.
A first nucleus that stands out is the one directed at Special Education from an inclusive perspective. For many decades now, the Education Center has been contributing significantly with various productions that intensify the right to Education for students targeting Special Education. The PPGMPE brings in its constitution a strong core of Special Education that investigates and produces on the theme in question, making dialogues with national and international productions/research groups to promote the theme in question.
Another core is dedicated to language issues, with emphasis on literacy processes. Ufes also has great local and national notoriety in relation to the production of knowledge about the processes of appropriation of reading and writing, bringing the PPGMPE a nucleus of professors and students who seek to reinforce the theme through collective investigations of the research groups. and the productions of
master's students/teachers.
The visibility of the PPGMPE is favored by the various extension and research activities that are already being carried out by its professors and by the publication of articles in periodicals, organization of books and book chapters, in addition to participation in scientific events and interviews in the media, such as can be seen in the technical production of the teachers.
The complementary activities described show several actions for the dissemination of knowledge produced within the scope of the PPPGMPE. Participation in research groups and links to others from Brazilian and foreign universities, composition and participation in events, various publications and partnerships with Teaching Systems of Basic Education and Higher Education provide opportunities for the dissemination of the program, as well as creating paths for greater socialization from teachers' research, as well as from
dissertations/products arising from the academic research of master's students for the internal and external community of UFES.
In addition, the PPGMPE presents itself via its web page ( where information is available describing the Program in its formal aspects, in its relationships within and outside the scope of the PPGMPE and in its daily dynamics. On that page, one can find aspects related to the administrative instances, the detailed program curriculum, indicating specificities of the professional master's course in Education, the menus of the lines of research, the professors who compose it and menus of the disciplines. It also informs about legal aspects related to the PPGMPE: Regulation; accreditation standards,
re-accreditation and de-accreditation of professors; General norms for the selection of scholarship holders, annually the Norms of the selection process for that year's Program, legal aspects, calendars, even results of each of the stages and final results, are also made available.
As for the academic routine, the semester offer of the course is available with the respective responsible professors, the academic calendar, registration forms and other necessary for the academic life of the students. It seeks to ensure information and transparency of all processes by making public the movements and activities of the PPGMPE. A calendar of events inside and outside the Program is maintained, lectures and other activities that give dynamics to the lived curriculum. Information about alternative training activities is also presented on the program page, such as:
lectures, events, among others.