Type: MSc dissertation
Publication date: 04/08/2020

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Examining board:

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JAIR RONCHI FILHO Internal Examiner *
VANILDO STIEG External Examiner *

Summary: This is a research of Professional Master’s Degree in Education with the objective of carrying out a phenomenological-autobiographical study on what it is (how it is) to be a beginner educator experiencing this process in the age group of 50 years. In terms of theoretical foundation, it is based on the concepts of the basic characteristics of existing (FORGHIERI, 2004), pedagogical coordination (DOMINGUES, 2014) and the concept of resilient flexibility (GOMES, 2015). In methodological terms, it takes eidetic phenomenological research of na autobiographical nature as a reference, whose characteristic is the elucidation of what is experienced. For this purpose, as instruments in data collection, narratives are used, the main source for understanding the phenomenon, along with the field diary, which contains notes of facts experienced in the school's daily life. The Version of Meaning(VS), created by Amatuzzi (1995), is also used. In na existential involvement with research, the concepts of phenomenological and autobiographical research are woven in the first sections. Gomes (2004, p.57) reveals the way in which phenomenology is a research method. With Bach Jr. (2019), it appears that the work with autobiography inserts the researcher, self-researching subject, in a process of self reflection and transformation. For having this self-reflective, self-educating and transformative character, autobiographical research is very expressive for the themes of Education, especially for pedagogical coordinators to embody the reflection on their work and their performance in the school space. Thus, it is advocated the application of the biographical approach in the area of Education, for the training of these professionals, due to its empowering and emancipatory force. In the following sections, narratives of the experiences of being in the world are presented. They are narratives about the awakening of the passion for being a teacher through the well- being interactions established with the outstanding teachers. In the sequence, there are narratives of the exercise as an educator, seeking to theoretically reflect on the processes that involve acting in the position. With Ecléa Bosi (1994), a reflection is made about age, the aging process and production, seeking to reveal the phenomenon of being na educator beyond the pre-determined space-times. To conclude, we describe what remained in the course of conducting phenomenological autobiographical research for the researcher. In my case, it implies the revelation of the role as na educator, in the construction of one's identity as a being and of transformation in the relationships that I establish in the world, especially in the context of professional practice. It is hoped that some of the unveiling presented may help and awaken other Education professionals to launch themselves into the phenomenological autobiographical methodology, in order to self-visit and inquire about their performance in education in a process that reveals the essence of their practices.

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