Type: MSc dissertation
Publication date: 13/09/2022
Name | Role |
VITOR GOMES | Advisor * |
Examining board:
Name | Role |
VITOR GOMES | Advisor * |
Summary: This is a dissertation for a master's degree in education that has among its objectives promoting a peace circle for teachers, as well as making available through a peace circle a space-time for self-care and collective care for education professionals. In terms of methodology, this is a qualitative analysis of a descriptive phenomenological nature that used the circle of peace, field diary, tape recorder and Senses version as instruments to describe the phenomenon. As a theoretical foundation it uses the concepts of sense of community (by Bell Hooks), the perspective of care of the self (by Michel Foucault), and empathic listening (by Carl Rogers). Among its results it presents that in the experience of this circle of peace there were several moments that provided significant meanings. There were moments when some of the participants became emotional and were embraced respectfully and naturally by the people in the circle in silence, offering water and hugs. Thus, it was remarkable to observe the spontaneous sense of community, as well as the love for the profession expressed by each person in the circle (each in their own way). This dissertation expresses in its final considerations that, to contribute to the construction of a Culture of Peace, among other questions, means to be willing to leave the comfort zone, to explore another person's point of view; it means having an ethical attitude towards life and becoming aware of our role and our co-responsibility in the co-creation and maintenance of socio- political systems. After completing the dissertation, as a product of our research, we conducted interviews with two teachers about Education and/or Culture of Peace, with an average duration of around 20 minutes. Both bring contributions that we believe to be relevant in the promotion of the Culture of Peace and Education for Peace, which are the aspect of decoloniality and the thought of Paulo Freire.