Type: MSc dissertation
Publication date: 15/09/2022
Examining board:
Name | Role |
DULCINEA CAMPOS SILVA | Internal Examiner * |
HIRAN PINEL | External Examiner * |
JACYARA SILVA DE PAIVA | External Examiner * |
Summary: The present research entitled National Policy implications for Special Education in the construction of Public Policies for students with disabilities from the township Network of Conceição do Castelo /ES", the objetive was critically understanding the implications of the National Policy for Special Education from the perspective of school inclusion in the Special Education Policies implemented by the towship Education Network of this municipality. The study has based on the National, State and Municipal Laws of Special Education in force, with the reference period 2008-2021. The concepts of Abyssal Line, Monocultures, Ecologies and Sociology of Absences and Emergences of Boaventura Sousa Santos (2002, 2007, 2019, 2021) to critically analyse the policies implemented by the towship, highlighting inequalities historically triggered by the valorisation of the hegemonic culture and discussing the need of to build a fairer and less hegemonic society. It also based on the studies about special education of authors (RAMOS; VIEIRA, 2018; MANTOAN, 2021) to strengthen the discussions triggered during the study. The methodological way used it was the case study in a qualitative approach, which allowed analyzing the situations in the natural contexts in which they occur (ANDRÉ, 2013). In this study, the Municipal Secretary of Education it also enabled approaches with schools and families. The actors in the process were: Secretaries of Education who worked since 2008; pedagogues; special education teachers who worked/work in AEE; teachers of regular classrooms who had and/or have students with disabilities; students with disabilities, whose degree of impairment doesnt prevented the participation; and families of students targeted for special education. The results of the research showed us that the municipality complies with the Brazilian legislation about special education, but needs to make the policies implemented more effective. Also it needs to move beyond the national and state policies, implementing actions that meet the peculiarities of the conceiçoenses students. The product of the research was the realization of a workshop of Presentation of the Study Paths and Results.